Sunday, August 5, 2012

Fun With Homemade Paint

In my previous post I had a pic of a raccoon playing with some cornstarch paint I had made. I had a bunch left over, so when I came home, the kids took it outside to paint the sidewalks with. They had so much fun. It isn't super bright, but that didn't matter. My neighbor Kate came over with her kiddos also. They painted until there was no more paint left. They especially liked to paint their feet and then hop in the wading pool to clean off!

Callie painted a hopscotch

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Friends at the Zoo

I know it has been forever since I last posted (sorry PopPop and Nana)! We have been in the process of moving since the end of May. We were going to be out of our house and in our new house in Colorado by the beginning of July, so everything has been packed up in boxes. We ended up not finding a house, so Jamey had to go ahead of us and we will join him in another 3 weeks. In the meantime, the kids and I have been traveling around to Campmeeting and Tennessee. I'm glad we've been able to keep busy since our house is pretty much just boxes!

While living in Bakersfield, I became a docent at our local zoo. I have absolutely loved working there and I will miss it terribly. It was my mid-week "break", kind of my calm from the storm of life. I thought I would share a few pics of my friends there. One of my favorites is the barn owl. They are such beautiful owls. I also really liked the Great Horned Owls, but I don't have a pic of those. Boo!

This is from a couple years ago. A red-tailed hawk.
Visiting mommy at the zoo.

Getting to pet Luigi, our burrowing owl.

Voltaire, our turkey vulture. He is really heavy!

He's got quite the wing span. If he baits off my hand, he smacks me in the head with his wings!

Moe, my favorite little one-eyed screech owl.

I made an enrichment activity for the raccoons. Cornstarch paint. It was a flop though. I should have scented the paint.

Moe again.
Our barn owl. So beautiful.

Getting Betty the Pelican out for some enrichment.

Such a sweet bird!

Let's play some catch.

She caught it!