Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Letter I Week Part 2

Here are a few more pics from yesterday and today. We also colored some rice because I am getting ready to empty out our fall sensory bin and make a Christmas one! We went to the zoo this morning and I am bummed that I forgot to take my camera!

Making the letter I on a peg board.

Creating patterns

Tracing numbers

Working on cutting. I have to hold the paper for him because he isn't coordinated enough to do it himself. I love how he is holding his left hand out stiff in concentration!

Getting ready to dye some rice.

Mixing up the rice in pretty Christmas colors.

Pouring the rice out to dry.

All ready for our new sensory bin.

Circling the correct CVC word.

Tracing her sight words to make a caterpillar.

Reading-tracing-gluing her sentences.
Callie and I made this Christmas canvas over the last few days. She painted the green all by herself and I held the stencil down while she did the white. She also helped me pick out and place all the white buttons. She is very proud of her button wreath!

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Letter I Week

This week Josh is learning the letter "I". We sing a song each week with the new letter, which I took a video of Josh singing while he was working on one of his worksheets. Callie is doing a shape review and also working on reading. I got a reading program from The Moffatt Girls, called Ready2Read, to use with Callie. The first unit has words that Callie already knows, so it is more of a review for her.  Here are a few pics from today.

Coloring his inchworm.

Matching the letter discs to the letters on the page.

Callie doing some beginning math.

Coloring her sight words using a number key under each word.

Reading words in the "at" family using a word slide.

Reading a book with "at" family words.

Christmas is Coming!

We went out and got our tree Sunday evening with several of our friends. By the time we dropped everyone's trees off and got ours set up, it was bedtime, so the kids didn't get to decorate that much. We did get the lights on and the star up.

Helping daddy cut the netting off the tree.

Callie got to put the star on the tree.

Callie got the camera and started taking pictures. This is one she caught of Josh.

Another one Callie took.

What the kids had waiting for them the next morning.

All tuckered out after an exciting day.

Sunday Morning Tot Trays

The kids were having a little case of boredom on Sunday morning, so I put together 3 tot trays for them to try out. They played with these for probably about 45 min.

Transferring colored water from one bowl to the other using a baster. Great for strengthening those little hand muscles.

Callie is placing spaghetti into tiny holes in a sugar shaker. Great for eye-hand coordination.

Josh is placing a wet sponge into a garlic press and squeezing the water out into the ice cube tray, then placing the dry sponge into the other bowl. Great for overall coordination and strengthening hand muscles.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Few More From Our Thanksgiving Week

Here are some of the last of our Thanksgiving activities that we did.

Here Callie is reading the color words and coloring the pilgrim hat the correct color. We sing a song almost everyday that spells out the color words to the tune of B-I-N-G-O. She is getting pretty good at reading them now.

Just a random picture that Josh took of Callie drawing on her balloon.

Josh is spooning the correct number of "whipped cream" balls onto the pumpkin pie. Whatever number I put in the square, that's the number of cotton balls he had to scoop out.

Learning to hold a pencil and trace a line. Still have to work on this!

Coloring their Mayflower pieces. I made Callie's headband to go with a flower girl dress she wore last summer. She likes to dress herself and this how she did her hair today.

I just had to share a close up of Josh's coloring. He is getting so good at coloring. I didn't help him at all and I am so proud of him!

Gluing the Mayflower together.

Callie's is on the left. She added clouds and a sun to both pictures. She also put raindrops on Josh's picture.
I just wanted to throw this one in there. It is important to me that both my kids learn to keep a clean house, do laundry, cook, etc. Callie already has several chores that she can do on her own, feeding the dogs, folding socks, and making her bed. I was thrilled when she asked if she could mop, though I'm sure she thought of it as just being fun and won't continue to have this outlook in the future! :)
Such a big girl!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

More Thanksgiving

Here are some more of our Thanksgiving activities. We also did a science experiment to find out what happens to air molecules when placed in hot and cold water. My neighbor gave me a book called Science in Seconds for Kids and we love it. There are a lot of quick, easy, and fun experiments in the book.

One pan contained ice water and the other contained hot water.

When placed in hot water, air molecules move faster and take up more space, filling the balloon with air.

When placed in the cold water, the air molecules move slower and crowd together, so the balloon collapsed.

Josh's turn.

Placing pictures of the Mayflower in order from biggest to smallest.

Poking holes in the letter T with a giant push pin.

I found these at Walmart in the office section.

For their tot tray, I printed off a skittle sort activity. I gave them both tweezers to use. This proved to be too difficult for Josh and he started using his hands. Callie also tired after a bit and went to using her hands. I ended up having to help both because it was too much for them.

Of course they got to eat them when they were all done!